Friday, September 11, 2009

Inside Out/Upside Down

Just got back from my four-hour-long sojourn at the Boardwalk Volkwagon dealership, awaiting the repair of my right tail-light. The outcome: $500 poorer and half of Next of Kin completed for Animal Communication class. It wouldn't have been so bad except the part where I had to eat at the nearby Springcreek Barbeque for lunch. Epic Gross. The book was really engaging, despite the gigantic TV in the waiting room blaring talk shows and soap operas. I'm eager to get to the second half and learn about Fouts' altruistic work for ape rights recognition. Grateful as I am for the opportunity to sit and read for several hours, I do have to say that if anything else goes wrong with my car this year, I just might have to take a sledge hammer to it and be done with the whole thing. Maybe buy a motorcycle...tour the country side.

In happier news, I saw the most glorious rainbow on my way home from school yesterday.


Yes, I was taking photos while driving. Yes, this is probably quite dangerous. No, I do not care.

I also have a couple cooking success stories of...get own recipes! They are not very impressive, but I am quite proud of them, so ignore my appalling photography and admire my accomplishments.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

My patented NOM Cookies. You will not find this recipe on the back of any chocolate morsel package.

Beef Stew

And, Beef Stew made from fresh peppers from my dad's garden! This was my first time to try the Crockpot, and let me tell you, I am a believer.

I have gotten sadly behind on my comic, but I don't hear any of you complaining, so meh. Anyway, I'm posting one today. Read it...don't read it...I'm not your mother.


Mosquitoes are pretty annoying. I think most of you will agree with me.

Chelle Lynn

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