Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Great Success!

I finally, finally, finally finished my latest custom pieces. And they look pretty good, if I do say so myself.


The Oklahoma Indian Paintbrush and Texas Bluebonnet. Good, simple country flowers. Just like the staff here at Shertown Studios.

I made a fruit pie for the first time yesterday (apple, to be exact)! I wish I had photographed it. The pie was, how you say...delicious.

Got to go dismantle a keyboard, then load it into my car in a way that it will still work after an hour long drive. I'm off to the homestead for the day!


Babies, though precious miracles, are sticky.


In addition to my personal inability to keep living things...well, living, squirrels were burying their nuts in my potted plants. Then coming to retrieve them six months later. I found that peppering the plants effectively kept the squirrels away...but wasn't so great for the plant. Oh, that I should have such a fate!

I'm going to be taking very limited custom orders starting next week, so if you're wanting something, let me know soon. Last semester, last semester, last semester.

Well, I'm off to Shertown to see the familia. Have a good one!

Chelle Lynn

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