Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Watching Paint Dry

Literally. Waiting for a canvas to dry so that I can continue. I totally messed up Jessica's Indian Paintbrush, so I'm having to paint over and start over. Alas.

Restaurant week is going on right now and we went out with some great friends for low cost, high class fancy dinner. Al Biernat's was a lot of fun, and great food, but not the best I've had. I wouldn't want to go back for regular price (which I realize makes me a tight wad, but who cares.) The presentation was not fabulous, but the drinks were strong, so I have no reason to complain.

Dinner at Al Biernat's

Isn't my man a hottie po-tottie?


I have about a mile walk from my car to my building at school every day, and it can be really pleasant...it can also be a freaking drag. Again with the Texas weather.


I seriously have a black thumb. The Secret Garden was one of my favorite books as a kid, and the only thing I wanted when I grew up was a secret garden of my own. This is a problem because I can't even make cacti grow. They all die. Every year. It is a like a potted plant holocaust.

The paint is dry! Let the artery commence!

Chelle Lynn

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