Friday, August 21, 2009

All Hail Brain Worms

I totally finished Brain Worms yesterday. I am awesome.



These pictures suck because my camera and apartment lighting are poopy, but as you can tell, I clearly kicked Brain Worm butt. This is really my element, a really illustrative style with painstaking line work and attention to color combinations. I spent many many hours on this piece and loved every second. I need to start doing more of this stuff.

In other news, my cats are adorable.

Sister Kitties


I was a terrible bride, I put almost no effort into my wedding. It was, however, the best wedding of all time.

Happy weekend to all!

Chelle Lynn


Hope said...

YAY for brainworms!!! *does hand motion*


Celia said...

diy weddings, fun for only like three hours...then you just wish everyone who decided to 'help you do it yourself' would actually allow you to diy. you were lucky that it was only your cats who interfered ;p.

Chelle Lynn said...

haha! I guess you're right! The parents tried to put in their two cents, but since Corban and I paid for everything ourselves, I did not feel the need to oblige them in every matter. Everything really did take a lot more time and consideration than I thought it would, though. Surprising how involved wedding planning can be!

celia said...

parents (esp. "in laws")= ruthless!!!!
ps. we're doing a pit-stop xmas time. let me know if you're hitting shertown then and we'll meet up because you know you're soo far away ;p

ps. my security word to post this is taliban-hahahhaha.

Chelle Lynn said...

hahaha! That's great! I love the security words, they are so random.

I will definitely be around Shertown during Christmas time, probably on and off several days the week of. Do you know when you guys will be getting in? It would be great if we could catch up!

Also, can't wait to see your wedding photos! I'm sure they are going to be absolutely beautiful.