Thursday, May 21, 2009

New Website

I've been trying to code a new website by hand...ALONE. Yeah, it's not working, so I got on today and put together something that will do in the meantime. I'm so technology retarded that I can't even figure out how to publish the thing on my own domain, so I'm going to wait for the hubby to get home so that he can do it for me! He will also be cooking me delicious brats tonight, so I'm very excited for his return.

How sad is it that I've spent more time lately trying to set up a website so that I can sell paintings than working on the paintings themselves? I actually don't even have any canvases now, and I need to go pick some up. Don't judge, all you art snobs out there. I buy my canvases. I do not stretch them myself. I am a horrible artist.

Lastly, I'd like to give a shout out to Lauren Mille of LMiller Photography. She recently took some portraits of me and the Mr, and the ones that I've seen so far are AMAZING. She did a fabulous job, we are totally blown away; plus, the session was really fun, we both really enjoyed ourselves. We met her at the Dallas Museum of Art Garden and wandered around downtown Dallas, stopping at interesting sites. She really made seemingly mundane surroundings into vibrant, interesting photos. She has a really wonderful eye, and her editing is great. So, if you're needing some photos, she the one you want to go to! I'll be sure to post the photos once they're all done.

Hopefully I'll have some actual paintings to post soon, as well as a fancy new site! Stay tuned.

-Chelle Lynn

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