Monday, August 17, 2009

Movies and Mayhem

Has anyone seen District 9?


It. Was. Intense. As soon as the movie was over, the only thing I could think of was how utterly disturbing it was, but in a very good way. I rarely think about a movie for more than an hour or so after seeing it ("Oh, that was good, really makes you think, huh? ... Who wants to go bowling!?) but it haunted me all day. It is definitely not a mindless alien movie. I'm not going to give anything away, but it brings to light the realities of discrimination and poverty, and asks the audience to really emotionally and mentally put themselves in the position of people who are living in slums, oppressed by those in power. It rocked my comfortable middle class world. Also, the goriest film I have seen in a long, long time.

Corban's birthday was a great success (except for the part where he had to go into the office)! I suppose he's an old man now. Next thing you know I'll be buying pudding cups and tennis balls for his walker.

I went rock climbing for the first time ever yesterday! It was much, much, much more difficult than I thought it would be. Muscles are sore that I didn't even know I had. Also, I got over my fear of heights. Emotional growth! We will definitely be going again.


Did you know that 98% of all rock climbing accidents are due to distractions caused by fabulous behinds? These are true facts, people.


My 22nd was an interesting birthday. We had a party that weekend, and no one let my upper respiratory infection get in the way of a good time.


I have very simple needs, usually involving large hunks of fruit.

One day I will complete another painting. One Day. I got into a slump with my state flowers, so I'm working on Brain Worms to clear my head. Maybe I will finish it tomorrow? ... I'm Ron Burgundy?

Time for a fabulous dinner with some fabulous people. Don't you wish you could be as fabulous as us? Fabulous.

Chelle Lynn

1 comment:

Hope said...

1. I REALLY want to see District 9
2. I REALLY want to start rock climbing. Let me know if you go again
3. Dinner was absolutely FABULOUS!
Love you!